
Protect Your Skin for Summer

Massage therapist giving a male patient a deep tissue massage while the patient lies on their stomach on the massage table.

With the arrival of summer comes the harsh rays of the sun, elevated temperatures, and, for many people, an increase in sweat. Is your skincare routine prepared to handle the heat? If not, it may be time to shake it up with a few of these easy tips!

  • Wear a daily moisturizer that has SPF of 15 or above:
    Aside from protecting you from the harsh rays of the sun, this will ensure that your skin stays smooth and hydrated.
  • When it comes to your foundation, try applying powder in lieu of cream:
    In the winter, your skin tends to run dry and appreciates the liquid makeup. However, not only does using powder in the summer help to soak up some of the sweat, but it also absorbs some of the excess skin oils your body produces more of in the summer. Clean and clear t-zone, here we come!
  • Exfoliate. Exfoliate. Exfoliate.
    The more that you can exfoliate your skin during the summer months, the better. This will ensure that you clear that excess salt, dirt, and sweat off of your skin, providing you with a smoother, radiant glow that will have everyone complimenting.
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